Last Updated on April 20, 2023


We do not have access to the personal information uploaded by you on GWD.

GWD functions automatically (Do It Yourself – DIY) and unless you specifically ask for our support.

We do not have any visibility over your personal information, asset information or sensitive information uploaded by you, required for Will generation.



We, GWD Systems Private Limited, (Company”, “we”, “us”, “our”) with the registered address at Madhav Baug Soc. Pl No 22, Sno 117/118 Near Shivtirth Nagar Pune 411038, are the owners of the application available on (the “Website”) which will enable User to create his/her Will online (“GWD”). GWD and Website are collectively referred to as “Tool”. The Tool will facilitate preparing Willonline. “User/s”, “you”, “your” shall mean and include the user of the Tool.  Unless otherwise set out below, each capitalized terms in this Privacy Policy shall have the meaning as set out in the Terms of Use of the Tool.

We respect your privacy rights and are strongly committed to protect your privacy.  We have taken all the necessary steps to protect your Personal Information. This privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”) sets forth how we collect, access, use and protect the Personal Information collected and accessed through the Tool.

In the course of using the Tool and/or providing us Personal Information, you consent to our use of your Personal Information in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy.  

If you are accessing the Tool on behalf of a third party, you represent that you have the authority to bind such third-party to the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy. If you do not have such an authority (to provide any Personal Information of a third party) or do not agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy, then you should refrain from using the Tool.


This Privacy Policy is an electronic record in the form of an electronic contract being compliant and construed in accordance with the Indian Information Technology (Reasonable Security Practices and Procedures and Sensitive Personal Data or Information) Rules, 2011 under the Information Technology Act 2000 (“Privacy Rules”).

For the sake of brevity, information including but not limited to the first name, last name, age, phone numbers, e-mail address, address, location, country/region, property details, beneficiary details, executor details, distribution of properties to be beneficiaries, provided to as part of the usage of the Tool shall be referred to as “Personal Information”. 

Personal Information Processed Automatically (“Inaccessible Personal Information”)


Inaccessible Personal Information is entered, submitted, uploaded directly by the User on the Tool for preparing his/her Will.  We cannot access such Inaccessible Personal Information and it includes the following:

Financial information: 

You may upload certain financial information on the Tool for generation of a Will, including but not limited to bank account details, information about mutual funds and shares. 

Asset information: 

You may upload certain information about the assets you hold/own, including but not limited to information about movable assets like vehicles, jewellery including pictures of jewellery and immovable assets including but not limited to land, flats and commercial property.  

Family Information: 

You may upload Personal Information of your family members, nominee, including but not limited to name, age, email address, contact details, Government issued identification numbers.

Personal Information Accessed by the Company (“Accessible Personal Information”)

We will collect and have access to minimal Personal Information, (Accessible Personal Information), which shall

mean and include the following:


Information received during registration: 

When you register and create an account on the Tool, we may collect information including but not limited to your full name, email address, communication address, gender and phone number.

Information disclosed via communications: 

We may receive information from you when you communicate with us including but not limited to emails, messages, phone calls or any communication for support.

Accuracy of Information

Users undertake that they shall be solely responsible for the accuracy, correctness, or truthfulness of the Personal Information uploaded on the Tool whether of their own or any third party. In the event, the User is sharing any Personal Information on behalf of a third person, the User represents and warrants that he has the necessary authority to upload such Personal Information and has obtained a written consent from such third party and the Company shall not be responsible for verifying the same. The User understands and acknowledges that such Personal Information shall be subject to the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy. 


We use cookies and/or similar in-house and third-party tracking tools on our Website to track user traffic patterns. Tracking tools also used are beacons, tags, and scripts to collect and track information and to improve and analyse our website. You may choose to disable cookies through your browser settings.

Types of Cookies used: 

We use the following types of Cookies (a) Strictly necessary cookies (b) Analytical/performance cookies.


We use cookies to: 

improve the User experience on the website, understand the usage based on the geographical area, understand the usage based on the demographics and understand and get usage patterns of the users. 

The cookies will collect the following information: 

Clicks and scroll on the website; User operating system, browser information, CPU, GPU; and Information of service provider.

We will not restrict the usage of the Website if the cookies are disabled. Some features of the Website may be affected if the cookies are disabled.

How We Use Personal Information

We use only your Accessible Personal Information to inform you about our Tool, to respond to your requests, to provide the necessary support, to maintain and manage our Tool, to improve the overall User experience and to comply with our legal or statutory obligations. Inaccessible Personal Information that you upload to the Tool will be processed strictly for generating the Will in an automated manner.

How we share Personal Information

We do not sell, rent, share, distribute, lease or otherwise provide your Personal Information to third parties, without your prior consent. We do not have access to Inaccessible Personal Information. Keeping this in mind, we may disclose your Accessible Personal Information in the following cases:


We may provide your Personal Information to our affiliates to enable them to improve the Tool, provide feedback and respond to their queries.

Service Providers: 

We may share your Personal Information with the service providers who work with us in connection with operating the Tool. All such service providers are subject to stringent confidentiality restrictions consistent with this Privacy Policy

Legal and Regulatory Authorities:

We may disclose your Personal Information in order to comply with our legal obligations/ court orders/ requests by Govt. authorities.

How long we retain your Personal Information

Inaccessible Personal Information: 

We do not have access to your Inaccessible Personal Information. We will retain the Inaccessible Personal Information on your behalf for fulling the purposes of the Tool or until you request for deletion.  

Accessible Personal Information: 

We retain your Accessible Personal Information for the duration it is necessary for the purpose it was collected. 

Our Security Measures

Your Personal Information collected by us is stored on third-party cloud servers. Although we provide appropriate firewalls and protections, we cannot warrant the security of Personal Information transmitted as these systems are not hack proof. Data pilferage due to unauthorized hacking, virus attacks, technical issues is possible, and will take necessary measures to mitigate such events. 

You are solely responsible for maintaining the strict confidentiality of your login credentials and passwords. 

Your Rights

If you would like to exercise ANY of these rights, please contact us on [email protected].

Your Rights

Exercising your rights

Right to access your Personal Information

You have the right to access your Personal Information through the Tool.

Since most of the Personal Information is inaccessible to the Company, we might not be able to provide you complete information. 

Right to rectify your Personal Information

You solely can rectify/correct your Personal Information by logging into the Tool.

Right to withdraw consent or delete your Personal Information

You solely can delete your Personal Information using the Tool dashboard.

Right to withdraw consent

You can your withdraw consent by deleting your account or by sending us an email. 

Please note the consequence of consent withdrawal would result in termination of your account with the Tool. 


We have limited access to your Accessible Personal Information and no access to Inaccessible Personal Information. We may not be able to provide assistance with respect to exercise of your rights. You can exercise your rights directly through our Tool.

Links to other Websites and Applications


Our Tool may contain links to other websites or applications of your interest. Our Tool may also have links to social media platforms such Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and other such similar platforms. Please note that we do not have any control over such other websites, applications, social media platforms and you will be accessing these websites/applications at your own risk. 

Choice and Opt-Out

We may send you communications including but not limited to (a) notices about your use of our Tool, including those concerning violations of use, (b) updates, (c) promotional information regarding our Tool, and (d) newsletters. You may opt out of receiving promotional emails and newsletters from us by following the unsubscribe instructions provided in those emails. Alternatively, you can opt out, at any time, by emailing us on [email protected] with your specific request. 

Children’s Privacy


We do not knowingly collect or solicit Personal Information from any person under the age of eighteen (18) years (“Minor”) without the prior, verifiable consent of his or her legal representative. When you provide a Minor’s Personal Information on the Tool, you agree that you have taken explicit consent from the legal guardian or parent of such Minor for providing such Personal Information on the Tool.

Governing Laws and Disputes

This Privacy Policy shall be construed and governed by the laws of India. You agree that the courts in Pune, India shall have exclusive jurisdiction over such disputes.

Changes to this Policy

We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time and you are encouraged to check this Privacy Policy on a regular basis to be aware of the changes made to it.

Contact Us 

If you have any questions or concerns or grievances regarding this Privacy Policy, you can reach out to our appointed grievance redressal officer Shilpa Phadke via email at [email protected].